Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Star Tribune columnist C.J.: an emperor with no clothes

I've been relatively quiet via this blog in recent weeks. That has been by design. But tonight all bets are off.

I don't enjoy "Breaking the News." It's a painful show featuring two smug women who are producing a bunch of fast food, the kind of garbage the public seems to crave when it comes to the news they consume. I've learned via Twitter that Rena Sarigianopoulos, one of the two anchorettes, isn't very sharp. And some of her KARE-TV staff is equally dimwitted when it comes to social media and responding to people like me, who don't find the TV show to be worthwhile.

I scoff at the general wardrobe choices of Jana Shortal, the other anchorette. I'm not a prude, I just think that her wardrobe choices and her style are a distraction when she broadcasts. And I find that to be the case every time I flip past her KARE-TV chatfest. But even if she looked like a million dollars, it wouldn't change my disdain for the content of the program. It's just my personal preference, and I feel that way whether she's talking about terrorism or what little kids think about politics. But i'm just a viewer with a blog. I have no clout in the media.

While I don't care for Shortal's show, I care even less for the arrogant, worthless gossip maven of the Star Tribune: Cheryl Johnson. I like to refer to Johnson by her nickname: B.J.

B.J. decided to rip Shortal for her wardrobe choice while discussing a sad, difficult, 27-year story that affects many in this state. Most are only affected indirectly, yet thousands upon thousands of people have been impacted by the short life and horrific death of Jacob Wetterling.

Of all the times to rip Shortal about her wardrobe choices, B.J. is too fucking stupid to know better than to do it in relation to Shortal's reporting about the details of Wetterling's death. (I don't think I've ever used profanity in this blog.)

B.J. has been a fixture in the local media for more than two decades. That's one hell of an indictment of the Twin Cities right there. And B.J. has proven herself to be an egotistical, arrogant bitch on previous occasions.

And the fact that B.J. chose the details of Wetterling's death as the moment to crucify Shortal for her fashion choices shows just how inflated her ego is, how out of touch she is as a human being and how worthless she is as a gossip maven in the Twin Cities.

I may not be a fan of Shortal, but I was highly impressed by how classy she was in her online response to B.J.

What's more astonishing than B.J.'s idiotic, aloof perspective of Shortal? The fact that the Star Tribune allowed her idiocy to be published on its website. The Strib offered an apology for posting an insensitive column by B.J., but it begs the question, "Are the inmates running the asylum?"

I'm glad the Strib published the column, only to delete it and offer a pathetic apology. B.J.'s shallow, arrogant opinions have unleashed holy hell upon the Strib's social media platforms and is bringing spectacular attention to the worthless trash that is B.J.'s career.

I hope the Strib's error finally awakens more than a few people to the fact that B.J.'s media presence is pathetic and worthless.

I may be petty and idiotic for having an opinion about how lackluster Shortal's wardrobe is, but I'm not as petty and idiotic as B.J., thank God.


  1. Meh....while the Wetterling saga is certainly tragic to those most affected by it(mainly either those with direct ties to the family of Jacob & of course the family themselves), and while I have no issue with Shortal's classy rebuttal to CJ's critique of her fashion sense for the "occasion" of reporting on the belated conclusion of the media ca$h cow that undoubtedly has been Jacob Wetterling for these past 27 years, I think your rebuke of CJ is a bit harsh as well as hypocritical, given that it not only follows you basically skewering Breaking The News(not that I mind at all the skewering of that shit fest that KARE, idiotically, continues to air each weeknight as well as, perplexingly, promote) and also just the plain-as-day fact that, to anyone even halfway paying attention, the local media's fawning, borderline-nauseating & hammer-on-head obvious & clear-as-day rating$-motivated EXPLOITATION of Baby Jacob had, itself, already worn out it's welcome DECADES AGO(1989 to be exact) for me and I'm sure millions of other local news viewers in Minnesota.

    1. Besides, the issue isn't wearing skinny jeans in itself; it's wearing them at a size where viewers at home are distracted by wondering if the wearer is cutting off vital circulation to & fro her lower extremities( Now CJ's a doofus; we all can agree. Still...

    2. My criticisms of Jana Shortal have nothing to do with her wardrobe. C.J.'s column was much ado about nothing. I find Shortal unwatchable because of her out-sized ego and tendency to confuse banality with depth. Even her reply on Facebook to C.J.'s column was typically self-serving:

      "I left everything I had on that newsroom floor."

      "The clothes it took me a very long time to feel comfortable in no thanks to the bullies like you who tried to shame me out of them."

      "You took the life out of what was meant to be a tribute to a life lost."

      "I won’t let you do that to me."

      Everything is always about Jana.

    3. (OP here again) You're right; I retract my previous compliment on Shortal's rebuttal....what a whiny little social-justice drama queen(sheesh!)......ummmm Jana: They weren't trying to "shame you out" of anything; those jeans are CUTTING OFF VITAL BLOOD CIRCULATION!!!(likely to her brain also!)

    4. "I won’t let you do that to me."

      Resorting to threats, too.

    5. "I find Shortal unwatchable because of her out-sized ego and tendency to confuse banality with depth. Even her reply on Facebook to C.J.'s column was typically self-serving"

      You make a great point. She thinks she's a deep thinker, full of great perspective and intelligence, and all I can think of when I think of her keen insight is when the supreme court justice died and Breaking Your Heart ran a piece on it, her response to the forthcoming nomination drama mentioned in the piece was something along the lines of "This is going to be interesting to watch."

      Confusing "banality with depth," you couldn't have hit the nail more squarely on the head.

      And yeah, she sure likes playing the social martyr role these days.

      B.J.'s criticism of Shortal is not unwarranted, I've noted how lousyand distracting her war drobe is, but in typical idiotic B.J. fashion, she chose the most idiotic way to make the point.

      Shortal: banal
      B.J.: classless
