This blog is facetiously named after Jeff Dubay.
I'm not a fan of his work, and I never thought he was much of a talent. He loved sports, and he did anything he could to build a career talking about them. And did a pretty good job of it.
Drug addiction put an end to that, and probably an end to a lot of the meaning and purpose to his life, too. It's sad.
I'm guessing his local "fame" is a drug Dubay is as addicted to as the crack cocaine he can't keep out of his hands. Ironic how one addiction pretty much prevents him from partaking in another at this point. He's nearly 50 years old and his radio career is dead. When he gets out of the clink he might try his hand at another podcast, but a few hundred listeners a week aren't going to satisfy the addiction, or pay the bills.
Instead Dubay will have to rely on friends or family to help him keep a roof over his head since it's going to be hard for him to get a decent job when he's turned loose. Who wants to hire a two-time felon when there are plenty of people competing for the same menial jobs that Dubay is qualified for. After all, he has no other career of any significance, at least that we know, since he spent a long time trying to make ends meet on sports-talk radio.
He's nearly 50, he has no career to resume when he gets out of jail, he is a two-time felon and he has 10 years of probation to deal with. Odds are stacked against him.
Perhaps Dubay will make peace with his demons and live out the rest of his life clean and sober, finding some sort of meaning to the life he lives.
I can't help but wonder when we're going to read about his untimely death. I mean that sincerely.
Lesson to the kids: Drugs suck. Don't even consider dabbling with them. Your parent(s) taught you not to play with fire. Listen to them.