I haven't been paying much attention to the Fox 9 Morning Debacle in recent weeks, so it escaped my attention that the morning news talker has resurrected the role of a traffic reporter.
When Kelsey Soby quickly vanished earlier this year the station was equally as quick to replace her with something called Lacey Crisp. A very welcoming tweet suggested that Crisp was a permanent addition to the morning chat fest, but she lasted about a month before she was unceremoniously dispatched. I suspect I'm in the minority of viewers who remember she existed.
By the way, Crisp claims in her online resume that she was a freelance traffic reporter, or something to that effect, suggesting she was never supposed to be a permanent part of the Fox 9 team. That's quite contrary to how that tweet appeared, but future employers will never know the difference, so Crisp might as well sell it in the best possible light.
After months of having the anchors bumble through traffic reports, and having the weather kid handle the duties on one busy, ugly morning in the Twin Cities, Fox 9 appears to be taking another crack at having a woman tell me all about the local traffic conditions. The latest broadcasting prodigy is Shayne Wells, who seems to have held about 12 different jobs in the Twin Cities during her exile to the midwest. She has worked in local radio and TV, as on-air talent and in the background, it appears.
I have no idea how giddy the TV viewing fanboys will be for this fresh face during the Fox 9 Morning Zoo, or how long she'll try to explain what we're seeing on area traffic cameras, but if she's continuing to work behind the scenes for the station as well, perhaps she'll last longer than Crisp.
I'd pay money to know what's going on behind the scenes at that fiasco known as Fox 9. I sense the left hand has no idea what the right hand is doing most of the time.